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Sunday, June 23, 2013


Today's million-dollar question: What time is the best time to wake up?

*          *          *

Apparently, for me, it's 12:20p.m.


Ola, anyway :P

Anyway, once again, it wasn't on purpose. Honestly, I didn't hear my phone ring at all this time. I know I switched it off? Well, I always place my phone in the box-shaped thingymabob next to my bed. And, whenever I hear alarm go off, I switch it off and then put my phone underneath my pillow.

Well, today I woke up with my phone already under my pillow -.-

That aside, after I got up, I went to the bathroom and bathed. Before that I went out to the shop to send my aunt's wallet to her, though. The haze was unbelievable too because I could hardly see past a few buildings.

Anyways, after bathing, I played Dungeon Hunter 4 on my iPad Mini on my parents' bed. I don't usually do that but my dad was in there watching some Chinese show so he had the air-conditioner on.


At around 2p.m, though, my mom ordered the both of us to go downstairs to have a light lunch. Good thing is my aunt bought my favourite ham-egg bun.


Had a cup of Enercal too, with my bun. After wolfing down my light lunch, I went outside to play with Pepper for a while. She is just the cutest thing with her large eyes and rapid breathing.


That aside, after I got back inside, I went into my mom's music room to feast on the room's air-conditioner. Mwahaha. Played Dungeon Hunter 4 again whilst eavesdropping on my mom's conversation with her sister. She (my aunt) was complaining about her maid again. I don't blame her of course, because she really is a pain in the ass. The maid, I mean.

Not long after, at about 4:45p.m, we decided to pre-celebrate my grandpa's birthday at Aaliyah, which is the same place we celebrated my grandaunt's 80th birthday.

Mom left the room after making reservations because she wanted to catch up on some sleep before we left for dinner.

The sad thing is, we were this close to going up to Genting for dinner to avoid the haze but my mom decided it was a work day the next day so we shouldn't go too far.

The irony here is that it was her idea.

Lol, I know.

And, after she left, I decided to draft this post as well as categorise all the law cases and jurist quotes before we go. Am watching Big Bang Theory too, so time passes faster.


Sorry about that, Pepper was caught in the house. She squeezed through one of the holes of the gate by the sliding door and my brother saw her and caught her in time. Haha.

She's so cute.

Cutest part was when I put her back outside, she came right back in the same way she entered. Caught her again and went to put her out while my brother closed the sliding door so she couldn't get back in.


When I sat back down, since I was watching the 14th episode of Big Bang Theory (which was the Siri episode), I tried it out on my iPad Mini. I was tempted because I heard Rajesh Koothrapali say: "Siri, play some smooth jazz."

I tried it out on mine, but Siri said: "I'm sorry, I couldn't find any smooth jazz in your Music" so I tried: "Play Summertime Of Our Lives" instead. The miracle was that it actually worked!!


Know what this means? I'm gonna be really addicted to using Siri now :P

That's about it, then.


P/S: Please click on my Nuffnang ads :) Thanks!!

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