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Friday, March 22, 2013

Dragon Story™

Okay, so I've decided to start reviewing applications again. So, from Team Lava, this is:

Dragon Story
(click on the pictures to enlarge them)

Technically, this is what you'll see when you first click on the application. After it loads, you may begin the whole business of starting your own little dragon farm :)

Okay, so the top left picture has the "Market" options, which is on the bottom left of the game screen. 

It technically features all the featured products (like rare dragons), the normal dragons, habitats (for your dragons), buildings (like your farm), decor (for decorations, duh) and expand (to expand your farm).

Be warned that with every expansion, it gets more expensive O.O

The top right, bottom left and bottom right pictures are all pictures of dragons that you can buy either with coins or gold (which is limited unless you buy with actual currency -.-)

Okay, so the top huge-ass picture is a screenshot of dragons in their habitats. The most cheap to procure is the Fire dragon, with the Leaf dragon next in line, followed by the Water dragon. 

The two pictures below represent the Island Goals. These are goals that you are supposed to achieve. It can range from being planting certain crops to buying certain dragons.

Either way, some can be done simply enough, but others require actual currency

Being the cheap person that I am, however, I have a few I couldn't accomplish because I couldn't buy the stuff required -.-

Ah~ The top left picture is still a screenshot of Island Goals. Below it is a picture of my "Epic Form" green dragon. It just means it's at its maximum growth and earns the maximum amount of coins it can.

Below that picture is one of my Leaf and Water hybrid dragons, at the process of evolving to a more awesome form :P

The top right picture is one of the annoying advertisements -.-

Below it is a hot-air balloon, also advertising different games in hopes that players will download it too.

And this last picture is one of neighbouring countries. They're all richer than I am (considering the fact that they actually make in-app purchases to make their farm more awesome -.-)

You can gain "social status" by visiting the community and you can earn certain awards by visiting your neighbours (that you invite yourself) so I would highly recommend doing that if you play this game :P
This game is compatible with the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad as long as the device is of iOS 4.0 or later. It's rated 4+ on the AppStore so it can't be bad, right? I mean, I'm playing it, so...


All in all:

4/5 for Artwork
Lovely graphics and beautiful looking dragons. The only thing stopping me from giving this a perfect rating is the fact that I dislike most of the dragons' Epic forms. Let's just say it's a bit more... stony than their starter forms. That's probably the point, but I prefer a cute dragon to a hard-faced one -.-

4/5 for Gameplay.
By Gameplay, I mean the activities that you can carry out in the game. For example, in DragonVale, I get to send my dragons for some Olympic games for them to win prizes. Well, in Dragon Story, I get to send my dragons on Quests so that I rope in whatever prizes they award for the particular quest (e.g. To get crops or coins).

2/5 for Items.
I mean, not to say that I'm really that cheap or anything, but seriously? I can't get a Magic Dragon unless I buy one. Now the only thing I'm counting on is sending my dragons on "Crafting Gemstones" Quests so that I get a purple gemstone so as to create Magic Dragons -.-

Yeah, so this game is pretty good for a free one. I mean, you have the stupid in-app purchases but hey, if you can get by without them then why not, right?

This is available even for Android phones, so for those without iDevices, why don't you give it a try? To find out more, click here.


That's about it, then. CIAO!!

P/S: Please click on my Nuffnang ads :) Thanks!!

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