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Friday, March 22, 2013


Today's million-dollar question: Why do people change?

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Ola :)

Yes, yes, I know. It's about time I started blogging properly again, right? Besides, it doesn't seem as if I'll be using my 2013 diary as I had planned because it's too friggin' big. I'll just use it to draft my posts, then.

Anyways, as usual, I woke up late today. My alarm rang at 5:43a.m as I had set it, but I dismissed it instead of snoozing it. Therefore, when I truly woke up, it was already 7:19am.

I'm pretty sure you can imagine my reaction.

Woke up and realised my parents had already left for golf. How nice of them to wake me up -.- After rushing like mad, my brother and I left for college. Unfortunately, we got stuck in a massive jam so I skipped Business Studied in the end.

At 9 o'clock, I met up with my friends in Room 418 while we waited for our Law lecturer. Learnt about the doctrine of separation of powers as well as a part of the Law Magistrates. Interesting. My book's colourful with info :P

During the 3 and a half hour break, Dellie, Ratna, Pain and I went to KLCC. Ate at the food court, Signatures. Had chicken rice. Dellie had McD's. Ratna had Subway and Pain had Old Town. Bought a Subway sandwich to go, against my better judgment -.-

Helped Allie buy a 1901 hotdog too.

When we returned, we went to the discussion room and I ate my sandwich as well as my chocolate chip cookie. Downloaded a video for Pain and Ratna to watch. Then, we went for Business Studies at 1:30pm where we learnt about marketing strategies.

Psychology class was really fun today. My teacher was trying to be serious but we know he can't hold it in :P After lesson, we went for the Pre-U meeting in the hall, where I heard PAC's announcement that the competition deadline was extended to the following week. The meeting ended at 4 o'clock so from then until 6pm, I was in the library studying BS.

Went home only at 7:12pm because of my genius brother. Bathed and then had noodles for dinner. Then, I finished transferring my BS notes into my laptop before drafting my blog post. I'm going to go sleep soon, since it's currently 11:19pm. Don't wanna wake up late again tomorrow, so...



P/S: Please click on my Nuffnang ads :) Thanks!!

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