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Monday, March 24, 2008

Annoying dog!

Sheesh, one more time that stupid dog comes here, I'll knock it's head clean off it's shoulders!

Oh, I'm talking about this paria dog (Stray) that keeps coming to my house to get at Snowy. Do you know how hard I wanted to turn it into a female? But it's a VERY cowardly dog. I mean, I don't even need to TRY to scare it away! I mean... It's scared of SNOWY!

Also, today was my sister's first day in college! She said she met two familliar faces there. One from MPYO and another from her old Kuen Cheng school.

Oh, did I mention? Yesterday, we went to the Grand Millenium to have a buffet dinner. There were Chocolates, beef, mutton, and other stuff. Oh, and my old Smart Reader's teacher and her son and daughter, Joseph and Esther, attended. I recognized Joseph, but I didn't recognize Esther. Of course, I was VERY high on chocolate at that time, so I started saying VERY sarcastic remarks at Joseph. And, I DON'T CARE!!! HAHAHAHAHA!

Oh, and did I mention? I swear I must have put on a few more kgs in the buffet! I mean, they had a CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN!!! And marshmallows! How could I resist? Did I mention they had miso soup too? I was in HEAVEN I TELL YOU! HEAVEN!!!!!

And I didn't recover until the next day. Mwakakakaka! Okay, that's about all for today! Byebye! Ciao little bloggie! I'll write cha tomorrow!

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