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Thursday, January 22, 2009


You know, it's been so bloody long since I've blogged. It's been like... 4 days? Well, let me tell you why, it's because I've been SICK.

Can you believe it? I was actually sick for 4 days! Well... Yeah...

Anyway, the first time I got that stupid headache, I went to Dr. Thong the next day. He said it was some stupid shingles thing that was supposed to come after chicken pox. However, the medicine he gave me didn't seem to work so we went to the child specialist, Dr. Lee. He said it wasn't shingles, but it was reasonable to think so. He told me it was some kind of virus that was causing me to have really bad pains in my head.

Tch, then came the harrassing. :P

Okay, it's not like he was seriously harrassing me, it's just that he was a child specialist and he was used to inspecting every inch of a child's body.

You get where I'm going?

Yeah, he asked my mom to unbuckle my bra, okay? I was like "WHAT THE HELL??!!!" in my head. Then, he took off my trousers.

I was getting freaked out, okay???

But he was a doctor, so I couldn't think bad thoughts...


Yeah, his medicine was really effective though. Now, I'm perfectly fine. But school... I don't know if I should skip tomorrow as well...

Oh well, till then, astalabyebye!

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