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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Inu x Boku SS (Youko x Boku SS)

Ola :) Yes, I've decided to review this manga since I just finished it. Don't worry, I didn't sacrifice any sleep for this or anything. This manga was short, so I managed to finish it within the afternoon.

Anyways, this manga is Inu x Boku SS - better known as Youko x Boku SS as a manga. Inu x Boku SS is the title of the anime adaptation. Why they decided to change it, I don't know, so don't ask -.-

That aside, I liked this manga a lot. Well, not to say its storyline is comparable to that of Inuyasha or Rurouni Kenshin, but it was bearable, to say the least.

Written and illustrated by Fujiwara Cocoa, "Inu x Boku SS" tells the story of 15-year-old Shirakiin Ririchiyo, a half-demon and half-human, who takes it upon herself to live alone in a building called the Ayakashi Mansion in an attempt to show others that she can live independently, without relying on anyone.

Her reason for doing so is because of her personality - she intimidates people and doesn't speak much, which makes her an easy target for bullying when she was younger - amongst other complications in her family.

However, her decision to live alone kind of backfires when an SS (Secret Service) Agent is sent to her. Miketsukami Soushi is a half-kitsune *fox* spirit that apparently was saved by Ririchiyo when they were younger. Due to that, he becomes adamant in being her "dog" (hence the title "inu") and obeying her every wish, protecting her from every danger et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Things continue to turn upside-down and against Ririchiyo's initial idea of living alone when she meets new people in the Ayakashi Mansion - all of which are half-demon and half-human in one way or another - and becomes friends with them.

The twist in the story is pretty mild, though. No "boomz" or large-scaled like that. Just nice for a short 11-chapter manga.

Either way, if you'd like, you can read this on MangaFox :) That's where I read it :)


P/S: Please click on my Nuffnang ads :) Thanks!!

P/S/S: I'm looking forward to the anime because of two things: 1. It's anime, hello? :P and 2. The anime's illustration looks more interesting than that of the manga :) Can't wait!! :P

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