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Sunday, July 26, 2009


Guess what? I was blog-jumping from Hannan's blog and guess what? That asshole has a blog. Tch, and he privatized it. What? Scared people might actually find out you have more than one girlfriend? 

And what's with that fake blog site name anyway? Finally realized there might be someone out there that hates your every single gut in your body so you decided to change your name? No difference anyway, your name doesn't change who you are. Names are just words that people refer to you as, but don't bother, because names like "asshole" and "bastard" also exist and I bet if I find those words up in Pictionary, I'd see your face.

You're the definition of two-timer. You're the reason it was made. You take one girl, confess, and you're a couple, but then you find someone else and instead of breaking up with your previous girlfriend, you come up with some lame story and say "I'll break up soon" but you'll still be with her anyway. 

Asshole. Two-timer. 

And now you broke up with your current one, you're going to go fishing again for another. You just love playing them around in your palms, don't you? You think girls are a prize for assholes like you? You think you can just say "I love you" and get away with murder?

You're SO wrong. 

But why do I care? Right, because one of your victims are my friend. How low can you get? How pathetic can you be? 

How many more till you get sick and tired of it?

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