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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Bali trip Day 1

There was nothing going on in the house till it was time to leave to the airport. We left at 10:30 a.m. and reached at around 11 something. The flight was at 3 p.m. When we reached the airport, my dad's friends were already there, waiting. After doing all that check-in thingymabobs, we decided to go eat.

On the way, my sister and I saw two blonde guys. They were so hot. And coming from a girl who dislikes guys but is NOT lesbian, they should be okay-looking. :P Serious! The cuter blonde had a hood over him, but he took it off later, so we were practically drooling at the sight of him. The other was cute too, but not so. :P Wow, I can't believe there's someone else besides Micky Park Yoo Chun whom I call hot. Yikes. :P But if you were there, you would understand. ^ ^

After that, we went on to some scanning thingy and then proceeded to wait to board the plane. Best part is, our flight was supposed to be at 3 o'clock but we only boarded the plane at 3:10 or something. I remember we were late.

Anyway, the rest of the flight was alright, I guess. There were movies to watch. I started off with Home Alone for a while, but I got board, so I decided to watch something I never watched before. So guess what I chose?


Unbelievable, I know, but it was alright, I guess. It was hilarious and funny, so it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It was amusing, really. After that was some lunch. Yumm, my favourite part of any day. :P It was alright, I guess... I ate rice and some other stuff, I forgot... I drank Orange Juice and ate my brother's bread.

I've eaten better. :P

When it touched down, we got down and recovered our luggage. Later on, we tried to find our tour guide. It was supposed to be some guy named Mario, but he was busy, I guess, so we got a Balinese named Mika. -_- Resembled Mico, but nevermind. Anyway, he brought us to dinner straightaway. Wow, cool. :P

It was Balinese food, so I didn't enjoy it much, but it was alright anyway. There were soya bean drinks for everyone with cincau in it. There was rice and fish too. Ooh, the fish was delicious; the bones could be eaten, and I'm not exaggerating. During dinner, we took pictures, but I don't have it with me now, so pictures can be for later.

After eating, we made our way to the Villa we were going to be staying in. Wina Holiday Villa, if I haven't forgotten. There were some exchanges in rooms but my sister and I were sharing anyway. After settling in room 305, we got a call from someone in our group asking if we could exchange with them. Being nice, :P, we agreed. It was a better room anyway, with the pool right next to us and having no need to climb stairs. I guess I forgot to mention the villa had no lifts, so we had to walk. -_-

Settling in our new room 109, we browsed through the channels. You could imagine my glee when I found out there were channels Disney, Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, Animax, HBO, Cinemax, Star Movies and other channels that we loved. There was nothing really dead interesting, but it was fun all the same. At around 1, we went to sleep after watching Die Hard for a while.

*Stay tuned for more!*

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