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Friday, April 19, 2013

リトリチャ Ep 19

I know, I'm on a roll. Maybe because my teacher only recently returned most of my essays. Here's another Literature post for all of you, eh?

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What is your opinion of Basho's poem?

Come, see real
of this painful world


To me, this poem seems like the poet is referring to a journey. This journey is one that will be long and full of obstacles. The fact that the Japanese translation has 5 syllables in the first line, 7 syllables in the second line and 5 syllables again in the third line could symbolise a mountain. The mountain could also be a symbol of the journey. The first line is the start of the journey whereas the second line is the climax, which is why it has 7 syllables. The last line is the happy ending because it goes back to having 5 syllables.

The overall meaning of this poem could also mean that the poet wants the inhabitants of this world to see the beauty of the world despite having to go through obstacles to complete the journey. Just like the rose, although it has thorns which could draw blood, the flower itself is beautiful and worth the pain.

All in all, the world is perceived by Basho as beautiful even though it has flaws and (is) filled with potential pain and sorrow.

Comment: Thank you for sharing this :)


Let me explain my lecturer's comment. After we wrote our opinions, the lecturer asked a few of us to read them out loud. Of course, nobody volunteered (and frankly speaking, I thought mine was quite embarrassing) so our lecturer had to handpick whose to read.

And unfortunately, one of them was mine.

Hence, the above comment -.-

I've got some more after this, so stay tuned, eh?


P/S: Please click on my Nuffnang ads :) Thanks!!

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