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Friday, April 19, 2013

リトリチャ Ep 16

Hey! Here's an assignment for English Literature from the 25th of March. We only just received it recently so it's kind of late :)

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Write a letter to Antoinette Cosway (in the event before her imminent death).


Dear Antoinette,

It is difficult to judge how a person may act by his or her looks, character or social status. However, I pray that you may give my letter second thoughts before committing any rash actions.

Throughout the course of your story I have deduced that your life has given you more grief than joy. As a member of the audience, I have little right to advise you on what you should or should not do, however I do have a right to voice my thoughts: it is not your fault.

In fact, there is little that happened in your life that was your fault. The only major fault you had was agreeing to a matrimony with the money-grabbing old goat, Rochester, even after Christophine advised you against it. Then again, if he had not persuaded you and given you false hope, you would not be reading the contents of this letter.

Even in the case of your mother, Annette. You cannot choose your heritage. Nobody can. You did what you needed to, to survive, and did what you could to improve your lifestyle. Your only other mistake was trusting Tia, but in this age and time, everybody is in need of a friend.

Either way, that you could bear with the troubles and endured the pain your past inflicted, I am awed. Your perseverance is something to be admired and it is to be noted that I am always on your side. Suffice to say, no matter what you decide, it is for yourself and by yourself.

Because, Antoinette Cosway, you are free.



There were no comments for this assignment, I'm afraid, but I didn't really like how this went. I normally write better for writing activities such as this -.-

Worry not, there are more coming your way! :D


P/S: Please click on my Nuffnang ads :) Thanks!!

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