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Monday, July 2, 2012


Today's million-dollar question: What do you do when everything falls apart?

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Call it quits?

I don't know, honestly.

I can count the months till our retirement using one hand. I understand you're pissed. I understand you're annoyed.

And I understand you can take no more.

But is this really the right way?

I remember you said once that we shouldn't do anything that would later come and bite us in the behind and affect our juniors. For example, boycotting.

You think you're not doing the same thing?

Truth be told, what you're doing is worse. It's going to affect us all. Sooner than boycotting would.

Hasn't it ever occurred to you that we would need people to fill in your positions and take charge? Haven't you thought of the people who would have to do more work now that you've thrown in your towels?

I don't f*cking care if you take it out on her. But don't screw with the rest of us in the process.

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P/S: Please click on my Nuffnang ads :) Thanks!!

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