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Friday, July 27, 2012


Today's million-dollar question: If the disease you have is genetic, is it bad to think of not having children?

* * *

Ola :)

Did not go to school today.


Quoting my brother: I shall not answer that question on grounds that I don't want to.

- Under the influence of Suits' Harvey Specter.

Breakfast was at a hawker's stall opposite my house, and only AFTER I walked Pepper once, alone, around the area then the second time with Snuffly and my sister - who walked Pepper.

We also mopped the dining room area before all that shit O.O

Life is hard without a maid.


After breakfast, I came back and went upstairs to watch my sister bid for modules before going to bathe. When I finished bathing, my sister bathed whilst I waited for her downstairs.

Soon after, we left for Tesco.


Quoting my -

- No, I'm joking. I'll tell you why. We needed to get ingredients for today's dinner, which was homemade spaghetti. It only sounds delicious. It takes a whole lot of time and involved a whole load of shit.

Not real shit but argh... you get it.

Tried Cravings today! Ordered a chicken chop thingy while my sister ordered a sandwich. After eating half of each, we - as usual - switched dishes.

Finally managed to persuade my sister to sign up for the Tesco card today. Mwahaha.

After buying a lunch meal for my aunt to go, my sister and I went home, where I got bitten by Pepper.

It isn't what it sounds like. I was trying to get something out of her mouth but she obviously didn't want to let go. So she bit my finger in the process.

Just so you know, it was hard to write or do anything with my right hand after that. To make things so much better, I had to help my sister with dinner. And after THAT, I had tuition with my BM teacher.


Dinner preparations took longer than my sister and I expected, but I still managed to eat a bowl of our finished product before having class.

Which was torture, by the way, because my eyes kept closing little by little. Teacher left a wee bit earlier because fasting made her a bit woozy too.

Mom didn't allow me a second helping of spaghetti so I'm in here, drafting my blog posts yet again. Unfortunately, I can't remember what happened on the 24th, so I'll leave that out, 'kay?


P/S: Please click on my Nuffnang ads :) Thanks!!

P/S/S: It's getting easier for me to forget things. Help?

P/S/S/S: If I remember what happened on the 24th, I'll be sure to report it :)

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