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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Me And Mr Darcy - Alexandra Potter

Okie dokie. I'm on a book-review spree at the current moment. Especially since I've come in possession with three whole books to call my own. Despite having thought that I was duped into buying "A Kiss At Midnight" -.-


Anyways, this book was written by Alexandra Potter (also the authoress of "Who's That Girl?", and "Be Careful What You Wish For" amongst other works).

As some of our many young literature-loving readers definitely know (and believe, I think), Mr Darcy is almost every Pride & Prejudice fan's dream companion. He's good-looking, wealthy, a man of impeccable behaviour, and as gentlemanly as a man can possibly be.

So of course, what excuse could Emily Albright possibly conjure in order to miss out on a chance to go on a Jane Austen book tour? Albeit it was out of pure luck that she should've seen it in an ad in the local newspaper (trying to think of a reason to NOT follow her best friend Stella to spend her holiday partying in Cancun), she did not doubt she would enjoy the tour.

How could she? It was, after all, a Jane Austen book tour. She absolutely loved Jane Austen as well as her characters (proven by her love for Mr Darcy, whom she professed was her first love).

But it all kind of turns (and flops) upside down when she meets Spike Hargreaves, a The Daily Times reporter who was supposed to interview all the participants of the tour about why Mr Darcy was voted the kind of person ladies most want to go out with.

I know, right?

Their paths crossed, and everything in his character (from his hot French girlfriend, Emmanuelle, to his outrageous behaviour the whole duration of the tour) assured Emily Albright that he was the most disagreeable man she'd ever known in her entire life.

I'm sure you can see where this is going :P

All in all, I guess I can say I pretty much enjoyed reading this. The idea in which this story is based on was very well-planned indeed and though the story's flow might not have been that smooth (only in my opinion) and at times, can be quite confusing, generally I think it was an enjoyable read :)

And it's through this story that you really find that although Mr Darcy is every literature-loving woman's dreamy, fantasy and ideal man, unless you are a woman in that era, such a relationship would never, in a million years, work out.

Well, then :) This is about all I dare say for now. Should you any inclination of reading this book, I shan't despair you by stopping you in any way at all. Haha.


P/S: Please click on my Nuffnang ads :) Thanks!!

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