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Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Today's million-dollar question: Have you sinned?

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Ola :) Today I woke up at 7:30a.m because of my alarm. I was gonna get up and get dressed, but my aunt asked me to sleep until 8 because it'd be stupid to wake up early when I was only going out at 9.

So yeah, I slept till 8.

When I got up, I drank my shake and all that, bathed and everything, packed my bag, then waited for Dellie and her mom to pick me up. We were going to Mid Valley to catch a movie and hang out :)

After they came to get me, we went to Mid Valley where we spent breakfast eating at McD's. I got the big breakfast a la carte whilst Dellie had a fillet burger set. Then we got the 11:10a.m show for Arthur Christmas. Yes, I watched it again. But, in my defense, I was watching Puss in Boots later on too (which Dellie has already watched) so it's a give-and-take thing.

Had lunch at Pizza Hut after the movie. Walked around then caught the 3:30p.m Puss in Boots movie. I absolutely loved it. I mean, I was anticipating it since my brother liked it, but this really made my day. I'm so happy I watched it. Can't wait to download it :P


Had dinner at Tokyo Shokudo on the Ground Floor. That was after we went to Borders at Gardens. We perused their collection of books before I concluded buying the Virals book I was eyeing since that day in Kinokuniya (which my sister refused to let me buy because she insisted my getting it from MPH). Except the MPH card doesn't offer discounts on the books, they give me points. That's all.

But, to be fair, I only bought the Virals book because it was to be 50% off if I got another book with the same sticker.

And Dellie found Clockwork Prince :P So since they both had the sticker, we both paid for it. I signed up for the Borders card too. Mwahaha. So, technically, I've got an MPH card, a Popular card and a Borders card. All that's left now is Times :P


I had also bought A Kiss at Midnight in MPH prior to watching the first movie, by the way :P

Came back from after all that and then continued to download manga to stuff in my iPad to watch the following day. I chose Mekakushi no Kuni (another of Tsukuba Sakura's works). I actually knew of that manga from Sakura but I didn't finish it before this so... :)


Whilst waiting for all 40 chapters to download, I read A Kiss At Midnight :) Will review it when I'm done. That's about it for today :) CIAO!!

P/S: Please click on my Nuffnang ads :) Thanks!!

P/S/S: I didn't know about the MPH's Readers' Circle. I feel like a boob. Next time, I'll read there :P

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