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Sunday, January 31, 2010


Sorry I didn't blog yesterday. For some reason, I just didn't feel like it. Anyhow, I'll just talk about yesterday first, since it's currently 11:12 a.m. in the morning so nothing much has happened :)


Woke up at 10 something today and went downstairs. Switched the computer on with the determination of not feeling like I want to down myself with Ferrero Rocher -_- Didn't work, I had my coffee bun after that, thanks to my nosy maid who dumped it in front of me.

Nonetheless, I ate it. Chatted with Sakura and Skype-d with her for about 45 minutes, I think, before finally getting to my Theory homework. Bleghh~ Sean came at around 1 o'clock to finish it as well. Not bad, we managed to complete most of the ones we were supposed to do. That was, of course, with reference to the book and my mother's books. Mwakaka.

At around 3:45 p.m. we finished everything and went upstairs in a hurry to catch the last half hour of Merlin :P Since I had already watched that episode *I had downloaded every episode of it last year :P*, I proceeded to take a bath.

We were only 5 minutes late this time, not bad :P

Class was alright, I guess. Mwakaka, Sean and I got the highest for one part at 8/10 because we had my mom's books to help us further :)

Next week it's Transposition -_-


After class at 5:15 p.m, I hung around till about 6 before going back home. I used the computer again cause I was watching lame stuff -_- My parents came back home soon and then had to go out again due to having a previous engagement with a concert -_-

My grandparents came over then and Skype-d a little with my sister. That, hehe, was after we had dinner at Dhubar :) Had a roti telur again -_-

Didn't manage to make the shake today :( Haha.

We then came back and I used that time to write Flawless Hearts and use the dictionary, mwakaka. Oh, and I wrapped the books so it would look neater and not get doggy ears. Wrapped another book too and named it "Literary Stories" cause my brother wanted me to try out his new black pen and I wanted to use blue ink for Flawless Hearts.

Che, I think you know where I'm going, right?

Chill, I'll continue my old ones, alright?



I need to clear my ears after this :P

Yeah, so after that, my grandparents went back and I continued writing whilst listening to music :) My parents came back soon too and I hit the hay at 12 o'clock.


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