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Saturday, January 23, 2010



I finally get to friggin' blog!!

Mwakaka :P

Okay, I have recovered from my momentary illness. *Glares at sister* Shut-up.

That aside, guess what? I did what my friends never would've guessed I'd do. I went to school today. Hello? Check the date, geniuses, it's a Saturday. I don't ever go to Saturday school. But I went today, because my brother was also going and my mom wouldn't let me skip -_-

It's PMR year, I wasn't that reluctant either.

Yes, Intervensi 1 started on the 21st last week. Had BM and Eng on Thursday. Bleghh. BM was alright, I guess, but for Eng, I made ONE STUPID MISTAKE!! And I feel like committing suicide!!

Anyways, I guess this is the post for today - 23/01/2010. I'll be doing the same thing as last week with the dates again in the same order, kay? :)


I went to school, and had Science lessons first. I have some work of course :) After Science was English. We did some group work. Each group was given a different topic and we're supposed to present it in front of the class.

Speaking of English class, I actually pity Mr Rob is our English teacher. Hardly anyone in class ever takes him seriously because they often catch him monologue-ing. What's wrong with talking to yourself anyway? Eeesh -_-

Yeah, anyways, after English was Recess. Danya didn't come to school today so I had my pao with Shuen, Kanga and Cleo. Come to think of it, most of the day consisted of spending it with them :) Haha. We were practically glued together. Yes, even though Cleo's in a different class.

That's cause our PJ and Moral classes are combined. That's why I saw Cleo so often today. She made a little angry today, though, but it's cleared now :)

You can't ever be angry at her for too long -_-

Yeah, so after Recess was Moral. The teacher let us play this weird Sivik game, but it's actually quite fun, really. You roll the dice, move your thingymajing and you answer a Sivik question. And every time we get it correct, we get applauded -_-

And it's weird, cause we're the only ones who enjoy the game we're playing. You don't hear stuff like that from other tables. Mwakaka. Cleo, Kanga, Shuen and I know how to have fun, man!! :P

Then came PJ. I didn't bring my change of clothes *obviously* so I was one of the people to sit out of the whole sports thingy. They played basketball -_- The guys played basketball too. And dang, the class is so friggin' big when combined. There're like THREE classes in the basketball court!! And even so, some students didn't attend school cause it's a Saturday -_-

After PJ was Maths but since we finished one period earlier, we only had about 40 minutes of Maths in which we spent in the AV room in the library watching a little of Pride and Prejudice and My Fair Lady.

My friend from tuition's gonna lend me both CDs :)

Tch, but judging from what my mom's been saying to my brother and I, I doubt I'll get any time to watch it in the first place.

EVERY time I study is like NOTHING to her. It's like I'm supposed to study until my brains die out. Best part is, when there's a moment when I'm not studying, she'll use it as an excuse if I don't get good results.

"Spend more time on the computer la! No wonder you didn't get straight A's!"

My sister would understand.

Yeah, so after school, I was supposed to go home at 12:30 p.m. but because of my brother, I was to go home at 1:10 p.m. Dina treated me to some tau fu stuff. I'm so breaking my diet -_-

But even as 1:10 came, my dad only arrived to pick us up at 1:40, which meant he was half an hour late. If that wasn't bad enough, I only reached home at 2:00 which meant I only had 2 hours maximum to finish my Theory homework.

Had KFC chicken for lunch and an ice cream from McD's. No, my mom wouldn't shut up about the ice cream -_-

Only managed to get started on my Theory at 2:30 p.m. Sean came and we both panicked like idiots *shut up* trying to finish up our homework. Best part? When we went for class, she wanted the work the next week, with extra homework.


All the same :P

Then I just came back from Summer Feels. Had Summer Grilled Chicken. Yumm~ Played my Game Boy for a while too. If I knew I'd get addicted, I wouldn't have started playing it -_-

That's about it. I'll be switching the computer off soon after my next posts about the days before :) CIAO!!

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