This movie is not only awesome, but it's great, fantastic and the best movie I've watched in the past few years. Coming in second is the Princess and the Frog :P
They've got great graphics, story line, and this is probably one of the most expensive movies ever made. The directors must have burnt holes in their pockets in order to make some blockbuster movie like this!!
And oh damn, I love the creatures in the movie. The Ikrans, the dog-like thingymajings and all the other kind of animals in there. WOO!!!
Guess what? I'm watching it again with my parents and siblings tomorrow but this time, we're watching the 3D version. HOW EFFING COOL IS THAT?!!! :P I watched it with my siblings, aunt and her husband today :) It gave me a little headache at first, though, because we were sitting at the SECOND row from the front, and trust me, when you're sitting THIS close to the screen, you're bound to develop a headache -_-
It was worse for me, because I already had a little bit of a headache before entering the cinema. And the beginning was quite boring, so I was actually debating on sleeping :P But when it gradually moved on to the exciting part, you won't wanna get your eyes off the screen even if it's to blink :P
I'm exaggerating, but you get my drift :P
That aside, my day began at 11 something close to 12 :P I was forced to bathe and I came out freezing. The hair dryers didn't exactly help much either because it was blowing so damn slowly -_- Ate brunch at Coffee Terrace *Yumm~* to make up for the horrible dinner yesterday :P
After that, my maid and I went to the Starbucks in the First World Theme Park whilst my brother and sister went around shopping. Apparently, there was a Christmas clearance sale -_-
Hell would I participate in such an event :P
But seriously, there is something wrong with the WiFi at Starbucks. Either that, or that WiFi just refuses to supply Internet connection to Macs -_- I swear, we were the only ones there without an Internet connection.
Since I had no Internet connection, I decided to write my "rubbish" -_-
My uncle then called me to come out from Starbucks and go to Hotel Highlands. I went to the Starbucks there and tried to use their WiFi. Notice the Italic-ed "tried". I don't have to spell it out in order for you to "guess" I couldn't use their Internet connection either -_-
My sister came in soon and tried as well, to no avail. Though, I had my moments when she would suddenly scream, "It's working!" and yell in frustration, "Arghh! It's not effing working!!"
Soon, it was time to catch Avatar :D I love it, love it, love it, love it, love it!!! Came out very satisfied.
-_- Bleghh~ My sister ain't lettin' me find the song at the end of the Avatar movie. It's really, really, really, really nice~!!! :P
But yeah, seriously, it was a great movie :)
Joined my parents and other aunt for dinner at Genting Palace. Yumm~ There was ostrich meat, veggie, fried bean curd and all that. Hehe :P After we had dinner, we decided to go back to the hotel first because my sister had to settle some stuff -_-
And now we're here at McD's. Just had an ice cream sundae with chocolate topping :) Nyehehehe :P My brother just bought nuggets too but my sister ain't lettin' me eat -_- Grr :P
Okie dokie then, me shall sign off now. My sister also wants to blog :P Will blog tomorrow~ CIAO!!! :)
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