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Monday, October 26, 2009



Guess what? The weirdest happened to Kanga today. It was during someone substituted our class that Puan Z came in and asked for Kanga. When she went out, I spotted a lady and a man outside. I recognized the lady as her mother.


The first thing that came into my mind was, "What did Kanga do now?"


The man, I didn't know.

It went on for quite a while before she finally came back in. Turned out her mother got a call from her office saying Kanga had called and said someone was going to beat her up!!


Now, Kanga was with us all the time, so obviously, she wouldn't be able to make a call. However, her mother specifically said that Kanga had called and said she was being beaten up! I mean, what the hell? Why would anyone wanna beat her up? *I mean, I could think of a few reasons, but that's not the point!! :P*

Best part was, when her mom asked "Who is this?", the caller replied, "Aiya! It's me la! It's me! Hurry up! I'm going to get beaten up!"

"Where are you?"

"I also don't know!"

-_- Suspicious.

And to think that the person knew Kanga's mom's office number was just too weird. And Kanga doesn't know anyone who knows her mom's office number either, so it's just the weirdest thing to have her call and say Kanga's about to get belasah-ed.

It couldn't have been Chucky, cause she was with us the whole time, she can't speak Chinese, and she doesn't know Kanga's mom's phone number.

It couldn't have been me either, because of the same reasons as Chucky.

It couldn't have been Danya because of the same reasons as Chucky and I.

It couldn't have been Brandyy, cause she was in the class the whole time and she doesn't know Kanga's mom's phone number.

It couldn't have been Shuen because of the same reasons as Brandyy.

The only person Kanga can think of who has a possible grudge towards her and knows her mom's office number is her boyfriend, Nicky. However, it couldn't have been him because number one, I don't know if he knows Cantonese and the caller, I heard from Kanga, was a girl. So unless Nicky was a transvestite, he couldn't have called Kanga's mom.

I'm kinda worried for her. I mean, who and why the hell would anyone wanna lie and say Kanga was getting beaten up?

Hmm... -_- *Thinking real hard*

Oh well, I hope it doesn't happen again. For the sake of Kanga and her mom, may the person who called them refrain from doing so again. :)

That aside, today was Monday. -_- Grr... I hate Mondays. Number one, because we have the morning assembly, which consists of singing the four irritating songs, listening to the irritating teachers-on-duty as well as listen to our "dear" headmistress crap about stuff.

However, the player got a little crazy today, so we had to sing the school song without the music. Oh, and just so you know, school song *minus* music = disaster.

Ugh... There were people singing out of tune, out of pitch and off time. -_- God, it's like we were all born tone deaf -_-

Sejarah was okay. We're about to finish the last chapter. Brought my chocolate brownie from Famous Amos yesterday to school and shared with Kanga, Cleo, Danya, Chucky and Shuen. Danya brought some cupcakes too, so we all got our fair share :) I took the last one because I thought I'd give one to my brother. 

Ugh, since when did I become such a softie? :P

Yeah, recess was fun. Anyways, after that was English. Puan A made us summarize a newspaper article. Oh, that reminds me, I was supposed to hand the articles in but I forgot -_- Haiz... I helped Xuan a bit and paired up with Shuen.

Finished in time :) Obviously :P

Ohh, and before I forget, I'm sorry I didn't blog yesterday. I didn't have time and I was occupied with something else, so I'll update now :) Went to Sungei Wang with my parents, brother and aunt. My mom went to Chambers to get some music books when we saw a really big crowd around the centre hall. My parents saw someone they knew and asked about the commotion.

Turns out Lee Min Ho (Gu Jun Pyo from Boys Over Flowers) was making some appearance to promote some cosmetics. My parents' friend's child/children wanted to see him -_- I tried to see too, but everyone had already booked the available areas -_-

The only way I could look was to ride the escalator down and up again -_- And that also, he wasn't there. Haiz... Turns out it was either too late, or he only appeared when we ate at Esquire Kitchen. My brother saw loads of his school mates in Sungei Wang that day just to see Min Ho. I mean, yeah, he's popular and all that, but I really detested him in Boys Over Flowers. I only liked the heroine. -_-

Yeah, so I couldn't really care less about him. They were having an autograph session below too, but if I had to wait for more than half an hour just to get a signature from him, I'd rather not waste my time.

Now, if it was DBSK, then it would be different :P

And seriously, why Min Ho? Why not Hyun Joong? Or the whole of SS501? That would make my sister boil with jealousy :P 

Yeah. That's pretty much it. At around 7 something, we went back home. Used the computer a little, typed Unwanted Desire on the laptop, stuff the song "Little Wonders" by "Rob Thomas" into my iPod. It's my current fave song right now from Meet The Robinsons. Have I mentioned how much I loved that cartoon? I could watch it over and over and over again :) I love Wilbur. He's so cute!! :P

Even now, I'm listening to "Little Wonders" :)

I'll post the lyrics and video up soon :)

Alrighty then. I shall stop here for now. This is a really, really, really long post. If I have anything new to update on, I shall do so in another post :) CIAO!!

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