How the hell am I supposed to keep track of everything around me, by the way? I can't look out for you 24/7 now, can I? I don't have eyes behind my back. I don't have extra ears anywhere. I'm just a friggin' ordinary girl. Why the hell is it you have to get on my case and irritate the shit out of me before you're happy?
As if that's not bad enough, you do things that make me insult you and suddenly, I feel better already. I really feel like killing myself, but I don't wanna blame me, so I'll blame you :P
And all of a sudden, it's a joke.
* * *
I went to the last English class for the year today :) As usual, it was fun. We had a little "test" today. Of course, I scored the highest :P Cheh~ Perasan... :P But seriously, I did score the highest: 45/50. The questions were quite tricky, though. Explains the 5-mark loss :) Second highest was 39/50, followed by 38/50, followed by 34/50 followed by 30/50. Guess where my brother comes in?
34/50. And you know why? Because of really stupid mistakes. The question asked for how the admissions are done, but he wrote the numbers of people you're supposed to contact. Haiz... Trust me, I was shocked too. Couldn't believe it was his paper.
Of course, there were other stupid mistakes, but due to some things my dad said, I can't state them. Don't worry, che, I'll keep the papers so when you come back, we can tembak him together :)
Sean didn't come for class today. He thought my brother and I weren't coming -_- So he went to our house and started using the computer. Aiseh~
Ohh, and we had this quiz too. They give us a question saying "What noun which starts with 'arc' means 'a person who designs buildings'" and you have to write the answer down in a box. Well, I got them all correct :)
They included words like bracelet, century, disappear, exhausted, fortnight, gossip, hurricane, inherit, jury, kidnap, lecturer, modest, notorious, overtake, punctual, quarrel, resign, surgeon, terrified, urgent, voluntary, wade, xylophone, yacht and zoology.
And you may not believe it, but I was the only one able to answer all of it :) Even my brother couldn't! Yes, che, you can kill him :)
But yeah, class was fun.
Then came Theory class. Sean came, as I have said, and we chatted with Sakura for a while. After that, I left the house first before Sean because I forgot what he did, but he pissed me off a little.
Best part was, when he did come, he suddenly swore and when I asked him what happened, he said, "I didn't bring my books! You know where they are?" When I shook my head, he said, "At home!"
And by "home", he meant his home, not mine.
So I told him to tell our teacher he had to go to the toilet and run down to call his parents, asking them to bring them for him. So he did, because it's not like he had enough time to run all the way back, right?
Haha, trust him to do stuff like that -_- He came back soon enough, before the teacher noticed he was taking too long. He stuffed his books under his shirt and it looked kinda wrong when he came in, but I noticed the shape of the books, so I relaxed. Thank God the teacher didn't realize.
Tch, why am I so nice? I should've just left him and let the teacher scold him. About time he got scolded. Next time, I shan't help him :P
So far, that's all I've got. Will be going out with him and my brother to the night market later -_- He's a real ass, by the way. A stray dog :) I just wanna mention it :) Haha. I'm mean, I know :P CIAO!!