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Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I got pissed with my parents yet again today. What's wrong with the world these days? Suddenly, I can't do anything with the computer anymore. And I can't even have a decent meal without my dad suspecting I already ate.

You both always I'm lying. You always think it's just an excuse. You don't believe I haven't eaten just because I burped. Even che che knows that I burp when I'm hungry. I didn't friggin' eat anything since after recess okay?! I had one miniscule cupcake that had to last me till 4 o'clock but obviously, you don't friggin' believe me.

And you always think what I'm doing is useless. I've got a presentation on the Phantom of The Opera tomorrow and the effing poem's in my file, which I left at school. But once again, obviously, you think I'm lying and that I'm doing it for fun. I will bloody practice, but only if you effing stop bothering me! I hate it when you think every single blasted thing that comes out of my mouth is a lie!

You on the other hand, think that just because I'm FAT, that I always have to eat at whatever time possible. I don't ever even bring money to school, so how the hell am I supposed to buy anything to eat?! My friends aren't exactly very rich at the moment, okay?! And I can't just leech off their food all the time!

For once in your whole life, can you just believe me?

* * *

These are three performances you have to watch for today :) They're really fantastic. Bless my sister for mentioning the first two, and my magic hands for the third. Charice seriously has a marvelous voice.

School was... okay, I guess. Had quite a lot of fun :) Sang loads of Korean songs with Shuen because she's the only one I can sing it with. And can you believe it? She knows "You Belong With Me" and "Teardrops On My Guitar"!! Holy crap! To think that she could know these kind of songs really amazes me.

You cannot underestimate her. No, no.

Had cupcake for recess. Danya had some sizzling claypot thing. -_- We also had Gamelan practice after school which was kind of boring, but I liked Manny's view on music. Music is from the heart and music is from the soul. Unlike what Han thinks it to be, which is... well, nothing. She just wants to act. Go and dream, asshole, with an attitude like yours, you wouldn't even be picked for a 5 millimeter pornographic movie.

*Got that from Mr. Bean :P My family would know :P*

Other than that, it was fine. Kanga was with her boyfriend today *go figure* and they escorted me back home with Cleo. I actually ran a lot today. *But it's not like they would believe me* I raced Cleo to the road but she, of course, got there first. She runs everyday, not once in a lifetime :P

Alrighty then. I shall go for the time being. Nothing else to update about. CIAO!!

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