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Sunday, June 14, 2009

Mistakes :P

Haha, I was mistaken. Apparently, my parents didn't buy crabs from Tawau, but we went to the steamboat place to have a last "farewell" and "thank you" dinner with my sister's violin teacher, Jian. 

And her son had to come. Eesh, he's the most annoying thing I've ever met! I mean, eeesh, if you were there, you wouldn't have withstood him burping in your ear. Grrr.

Oh, and not even mentioning the fact that we have school tomorrow. Darn. Our two weeks disappeared like a snap. And to top it all up, I've got class tomorrow and I haven't been practicing. Shit. How marvelous.

Sheesh. Will update if there's anything to update about. For now, Ciao!

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