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Saturday, June 6, 2009


Awww dang! Today was so friggin' awesome. My dad drove my sister and Al to college for their A Levels exam before sending me to Andyy's house. I didn't like it because my dad stopped for lunch first, and I didn't even eat. I just drank 100 Plus.

Then we set off to their college. After we dropped them off, my dad realized there was almost NOTHING left of the petrol. Seriously, he said, "We can manage to drive another 2 kilometres. If not, we can... hmm... it'll take about 4 hours to get to Andyy's house if we push."

-_- So we scrambled around for a petrol station. Thank God for Shell station. We managed to pour our petrol in there. That resulted to a whole lot of waiting Andyy and her Godma had to do.


Of course, we managed to go there within the next 15 minutes. Oh gee, sorry my house is so god danged far.

By the way, in the movie 17 Again, Zac Efron looked like a total wuss and a perv. I mean, can you believe it? In real life, he really had to kiss that woman, who was supposed to be his wife! I'm like... what?

But it was really funny because he had to try and avoid his "daughter", who starred in Inspector Gadget (the real life one). Haha, hilarious, I'll tell you that. He had to dance, though, but thank God he didn't sing.

That bastard was there, by the way, but my hatred for him was subsided a little. I mean, he didn't do anything bad to me that day anyway. It was real fun teasing him.

Oh yeah, and Andyy's new friend who she's never met before came today. His name is Izzy. Hmm, not bad. Funny. Can take a good laugh. And one year older than us. -_- He's the same age as my brother, dude.

After that, about like 5 something, Sham got lost. We went round and round searching for him but he just disappeared! Then I became sorta some kinda stupid "hero" and volunteered to search for him. Worked, though, I found him.


Then we all jumped into the pool. Actually, Andyy and I went in first. I changed into my black shirt because I was wearing white before that and they'd be able to see whatever's inside. Not a nice thought.

It was hilarious because Andyy had these two really squishy ball-like things and we threw them at Kai-lan and Izzy. Haha, padan muka! Really fun.

However, when I was only just about to come out, my parents called, saying they're already outside, waiting for me. But when I told the aunty about me leaving already, she didn't let me go! :P She said her driver would send me back so I can tell my parents to leave first. Haha! So unexpected! She's so nice!

So surprisingly, my parents allowed and they went off to send my sister back to camp first. I enjoyed myself. ^ ^ 

I ate one barbecued burger with egg and cheese! Phoo! Dang, that was filling! ^ ^ We also met DoubleA (code name!). It was so long since I saw him. The last time I did was Andyy's Standard 3 birthday party. Best part is, he doesn't even remember me. 

After that, we went upstairs (I don't know why) and I started playing the piano. Haha. You know me, always the one outshining the rest. However, when they say, "You're really good", I say, "No, I'm not. My sister's better than I am. She can play any song under the Moon as long as she's heard it before."

That is practically true. 

After I played the piano, I sat down on the couch. Starting talking to Louay and the rest. Izzy can play the guitar by the way :P Kai-Lan's just... Kai-Lan. And DoubleA actually starting talking to me. -_- Weird. 

We watched Shrek the Third on Astro. Haha. Hilarious. After that, we went on to more channels, to check on what's new. Ugh, nothing. Disney was showing Labou. I don't like that show. So senseless. 

However, when the rest left, DoubleA and I started talking about anime! And it was so funny, because Andyy was left out and she kept saying short sentences to attract our attention but it doesn't work. It only works when she says something wrong. -_-

Wow, I didn't know DoubleA had a lot of anime. We exchanged numbers and Andyy was like, "I don't know you anymore." -_- She and DoubleA followed me back home. Dad and Mom were all leaving the house already. And now I'm here! Blogging about what happened just earlier today.

I have to admit, Andyy, you might not have thought it was a great hang out, but I think it was awesome. It was seriously great. I like small gatherings, you know? Just talking and stuff. Okay, fine, talking about anime, but you get what I mean. DoubleA is VERY interested in anime. He's actually lending me stuff. ^ ^ So glad I made an otaku friend today. ^ ^

Ciao, that's all for today! Stay tuned for tomorrow! ^ ^

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