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Sunday, June 23, 2013


Today's million-dollar question: How many days has it been since I last wrote about my days on my blog?

*          *          *

Ola :)

I know, I know. It's been a great deal of time since I've written anything of my day on my blog. I do apologise. At least I starting again?


Anyhow, I'm glad I am doing this again because I've grown quite bored of writing reviews of restaurants and anime and manga.


That aside, I woke up close to eleven today. Not good, I know, but I didn't do it on purpose. I mean, I heard my alarm go off but I was too tired to get up. PLus, I set it at 7 O.O

So after I woke up, at 10 something, I went to freshen up and crossed my fingers as I tried connecting to my house's WiFi. I gotta say, sometimes I just hate it when the WiFi acts up. And it doesn't happen only once in a while. It happens every night!

That's another thing! Why only at night? I works fast as hell in the morning but once it hits 8 in the evening, it begins malfunctioning.

Ugh... And it all had to happen as I was reading Kaze Hikaru. Well, yeah, I was reading it again last night before going to bed. I just love Okita; he's so cute!! Especially after he realised he likes Sei too. Haha.

Come to think of it, Kinokuniya should have new volumes out by now. Gotta make a mental note to myself to go to KLCC and shop for them :P

Didn't have anything for breakfast. Hell, it was already 11 o'clock, I didn't think I was eligible for breakfast anymore. So I played a little Dungeon Hunter 4 on my iPad Mini whilst watching The Nanny episodes on my laptop.

For lunch I was a little naughty. You see, it was already 2:30pm and my brother wasn't gotta go out to buy anything for us so I...

... Ordered McD's.

Yeah, I know. I should be punished. That's why I'll start dieting tomorrow.


The rest of my day was pretty much just watching The Nanny on my laptop and playing Dungeon Hunter 4. I also studied my Business Studies and Law towards the end of the day.

My dinner? Oh, I thought you'd never ask.

I was planning on staying home and not really eating anything, you know, as penance for the sinful lunch. But, my parents kind of talked me into going with my brother to my grandparents' place to have dinner with my grandpa so... I did.

Went to Paradigm Mall and ate at Chili's. That was not my idea, by the way. It was my brother's. He wanted those refillable nachos, except after he found out their price, he decided eating it alone wouldn't be worth RM13++, even if it was bottomless. Haha.

After a really filling dinner – despite the fact I shared something with my grandpa, my brother bought Starbucks to drink before we all went home. I bought 2 Original pretzels from Auntie Anne's too, because I thought 2 things:

1. My aunt might be hungry; and
2. It was better than Hot&Roll, right?


So after dropping my grandpa home – and playing DH4 for a while – my brother and I went home. I finished one pretzel whilst watching Ratatouille then watched Nanny McPhee 2 and Taylor Swift's Journey to Fearless while writing my blog post draft. Haha.

Just a little warning to my sister if she's reading this: When you come back, you're watching her Speak Now Live Concert >.<

That's it, then.


P/S: Please click on my Nuffnang ads :) Thanks!!

P/S/S: Let's see how long I keep this round up, huh? :P

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