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Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Avengers

Hallelujah, finally, the review for The Avengers.

Sometimes, you have to think that all their movies were produced just so they could direct this movie. Think about it:

Hulk - Hulk
Iron Man - Iron Man
Iron Man II - Black Widow & Hawkeye
Thor - Thor & Loki
Captain America - Captain America

It'd be just way too weird to have Captain America or Thor appear out of thin air without giving the dude a proper introduction, right?


Either way, this movie really outdid itself. It doesn't matter if you don't like action movies or find Robert Downey Jr unbelievably insufferable in his movies. You'd at least have to watch it for its humour and awesome effects.

Long story short, Loki (Thor's infamous adopted brother) steals the Tesseract (a small powerful box) and uses it for evil purposes.


Big surprise there -.-

Nick Fury reactivates the Avengers Initiative in response. Banner, Stark, Romanoff and Rogers are assembled to capture Loki.

However, after Loki was taken captive, Thor comes to Earth to bring him back to Asgard where Loki will face his punishment according to Asgardian rules. Stark refuses to let him have his way so the two of them fight. Rogers comes to the "rescue".

After Thor comes to his senses (if in existence), he explains that Loki intends to use the Tesseract to bring forth more of his minions, the Chitauri, to launch an attack and dominate the Earth.

As the story goes along, the team falls apart and divides due to the lack of trust between the members. In the end, they finally band together and kick Loki's ass.

Honestly, I liked this movie very much. Of 5 stars, I'd give it 4 and 1/2. The only thing that confused me was the last part when Loki woke up (from being tossed around by Hulk like a sack of potatoes) and Hawkeye directed an arrow at him?

Did he actually shoot the arrow? And if he did, why wasn't Loki hurt when he and Thor were heading back to Asgard with the Tesseract?


Oh well, nothing major, I guess.

If I had to choose which heroes I liked in descending order, it'd be:

1. Iron Man (for his humour)
2. Hawkeye (I'm a sucker for anyone who can shoot with a bow and arrow)
3. Black Widow (love her close combat skills)
4. Thor (his ignorant humour and, puff-t, it's Chris Hemsworth :P)
5. Hulk (I don't dislike Hulk, I just like him the least)

Yes, skeptics, there's a difference.

Either way, I don't think they're showing this in cinemas anymore as this review is indeed, late. I had a great time watching this, though. I'm sure many share the same viewpoint.

That's about it, then. CIAO!!

P/S: Please click on my Nuffnang ads :) Thanks!!

P/S/S: I do not own anything. Pics are curtesy of Google Images. Sorry if I have offended anyone with this post. It was done without intent.

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