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Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Today’s million-dollar question: What would you give to ride the dragon in Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2?

*          *          *

Ola :)

Guess what?

I went to the premiere of Harry Potter 7.

Yes, you may hate me :P

I thought it was absolutely awesome. Hell, no words can describe how awesome it was. Though there were some parts that differed from that of the book, but I shall keep that for my movie review :)



Anyways, I woke up at 8 something. I had to prepare for my return to school at 10:30 to take the English test. The ICAS (or was it ISAC?) International one. Yeah~ It was really hard and I nearly had no time to finish it. When the bell rang at 11:50 I hadn’t shaded my answers yet so I had to shade like crazy.


After the exam, I snuck out through the entrance behind the staircase where Kanga, Cleo and I normally hang out after school. Chucky followed me there, I'm very thankful for that. I needed someone to hold on to :)


Can't remember what I did exactly, after all that. I just lounged around, I guess. I also remember...

No wait, I CAN'T remember.

Don't know why -_-

Anyways, at 7:30, the whole family and I went to Sunway Pyramid to catch the premiere of Harry Potter  7 :D Had dinner at Wong Kok Char Chan Teng where I only had two slices of tuna sandwich and half of my sister's French Toast.


As I said earlier, the movie was absolutely awesome. I SO want to re-watch it. I can't believe I'll have to wait until it comes out in DVD. My sister said that she's waiting for the whole box set before she buys everything one shot.


I honestly think the last movie was the best of the lot, honestly.

With the exception of Daniel Radcliffe's stiff acting. But oh well, never mind about that :) Heehee.

Came back only at 12 something and hit the sack right after changing. Slept like a baby :)

That's about it, then. CIAO!!

P/S: Please click on my Nuffnang ads :) Thanks!!

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