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Monday, November 23, 2009




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Sorry I haven't been blogging :) I was either too occupied with the stories, watching anime, or just reading too much manga to be bothered to blog :P I know it's really late. It's already 12:20 a.m. but I'm still blogging.

Haha, my parents aren't any better either. They're watching G.I. Joe and some Pelham movie. We went to KLCC today. I finished reading the 14th volume of Kaze Hikaru there :P They actually unwrapped it and let me read it :P I also bought an anime. It's called "Bakemonogatari" and it involves vampires -_-

That's not the only reason I bought it. The guy looked cute so... Yeah~

I'm a sucker for cute anime dudes, so... :P

My sister made me listen to this song called "It Happens Everytime" by a band that Jesse McCartney used to be in. It's okay, I guess.

Guess what? I was re-reading Kitchen Princess on Mangafox. Haiz... I really love that manga. They should really make it into an anime -_- I also read the manga for Marmalade Boy. I've seen the anime on Youtube before but they only had it in Spanish dubs, so I didn't watch it. Rather, I read the manga. 

It was kinda interesting. The story line amused me enough to finish it. Oh, and after my music class ended today, YiZen returned the Rave CDs to me so I was just re-watching them in the music room when my sister demanded I Skype with her :P

Come to think of it, I missed Skype-ing Sakura today -_- ごめん

Anyways, KLCC was okay, I guess. I went to Kinokuniya whilst the rest of my family went to Isetan to shop. No way was I gonna shop -_- After browsing a little, I went to Video Ezy and Rock Corner. Bought "Bakemonogatari" and then returned to Kinokuniya to read Kaze Hikaru.

My parents weren't done yet by the time I finished the manga, so I went around some more. Was watching a part of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince when they played it in Video Ezy. The screen outside was playing "The Proposal" and "Up". Haha. 

Finally, I joined my parents and we went to eat at Spring Garden. Wasn't that bad. I was really stuffed by the time I finished. Had beancurd, fish fillet, some veggie, noodles and egg. Yumm :P

Had seconds :P

After that, my mom, dad and I shared an ice-cream from New Zealand Natural :P Cookie and vanilla flavoured :) Later on, my mom and dad went to Billabong for a while cause my brother wanted to see some pants. 

Guess what, I bought one too -_- All all I said was, "Hey, this looks nice" and my aunt pushed me into the dressing room and ordered me to change into it. It fit so it was purchased -_- My brother got one too, obviously, or he'd be crying :P

Then, my mom went to Marks & Spencers to try some clothes. Wait, did I say "some"? I meant a bundle full of 'em. My heels were sore and my legs were on the edge of giving way by the time she finished. Good thing was, I got 100 Plus from Cold Storage :P

So we came back home. I continued watching Rave and my brother switched the computer on. You know, that dude's a real ass, because, I mean, I'm Skype-ing with my sister and after I'm done with her, I use it for a while and suddenly, he comes up to me and snaps, "Get off the computer! I'm using it okay! You come back didn't even play the piano!"

And so what?!!! You think you're the boss of me? At least I can play the piano. All you can do is watch all of us in envy. And it's not like you try to get better anyway. You just take my exam as an excuse to get me off the chair.

Good-luck-trying. This is not like my final school exams. And I already practiced yesterday and the day before. Plus, I had effing class today and all my energy's sapped when we went to KLCC. So why don't you just buzz off? You had all the time to use it when I was studying for my finals. I didn't even use it. 

It's my turn, ass.



I just finished some show my sister wanted me to watch about this Caucasian dude that speaks perfect Singlish -_- The dude's funny la, but I think I've seen funnier. This one didn't make me laugh much.

Okiedokie then, I think I shall stop here for today. CIAO!!

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