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Monday, April 27, 2009


Grr, today was some stupid majlis thingymabob to celebrate the "naik-pangkat"-ing of one of our teachers. Actually, when all the kompang music started, I was hoping Puan K was retiring. I want that bloody bitch to get out of our school la. Stupid you know? Suddenly, we have to bayar yuran!

How much?


Stupid right? They even included SANITEX, which is the woman's sanitary pad. Hello?? I don't even USE them! Better for Danya, hers hasn't even arrived yet!

Anyway, we also need to pay for our school magazine, okay? Oi, if I knew we had to pay, I wouldn't even want the school magazine. I could lend my friend's one or something, but I wouldn't go as far as wanting to PAY to see the magazine.

Sheesh, that woman's brain is in her ass I tell you! She was just crapping today on stage about all that yuran stuff and why we need to pay. What really irks me is, she said we could no longer collect money for class funds and everything if so much as ONE person says she/he doesn't wanna pay.

So if I say I don't wanna pay this stupid yuran thing, everyone no need to pay la!

Yeesh, if there was a Hotline to Hell, like... a real one, I would definitely send her there.

Bloody bitch


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