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Saturday, February 28, 2009
Taylor Swift...
I just watched her video of "Love Story" before I went to class and noticed a few things about her:
-She's pretty
-She can sing
-She has very nice hair
Sorry Lina...
I'll watch whatever you bring back to our house, okay?
Thank you for your everlasting kindness.
Why the hell did I have to harp about it?! Ugh! Now they're going through that awkward moment just because of me!
But she's not angry with me...
ARGH!!! I don't care anymore! From now on, I have to stop prying from people's private lives dude!!! GRRR!!!!
I'm so sad...
Friday, February 27, 2009
Love Story - Taylor Swift
I close my eyes and the flashback starts-
I'm standing there, on a balcony in summer air.
I see the lights; see the party, the ball gowns.
I see you make your way through the crowd-
You say hello, little did I know...
That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles-
And my daddy said "stay away from Juliet"-
And I was crying on the staircase-
begging you please don't go...
And I said...
Romeo take me somewhere, we can be alone.
I'll be waiting; all there's left to do is run.
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess,
It's a love story, baby, just say yes.
So I sneak out to the garden to see you.
We keep quiet, because we're dead if they knew-
So close your eyes... escape this town for a little while.
Oh, Oh.
Cause you were Romeo - I was a scarlet letter,
And my daddy said "stay away from Juliet" -
but you were everything to me-
I was begging you, please don't go-
And I said...
Romeo take me somewhere, we can be alone.
I'll be waiting; all there's left to do is run.
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess.
It's a love story, baby, just say yes-
Romeo save me, they're trying to tell me how to feel.
This love is difficult, but it's real.
Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess.
It's a love story, baby, just say yes.
Oh, Oh.
I got tired of waiting.
Wondering if you were ever coming around.
My faith in you was fading-
When I met you on the outskirts of town.
And I said...
Romeo save me, I've been feeling so alone.
I keep waiting, for you but you never come.
Is this in my head, I don't know what to think-
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said...
Marry me Juliet, you'll never have to be alone.
I love you, and that's all I really know.
I talked to your dad -- go pick out a white dress
It's a love story, baby just say... yes.
Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh.
We were both young when I first saw you.
Wow, I didn't expect that...
Why my brother wasn't going? His school had rabtai.
Why didn't I go? I "pleaded" them, but I didn't expect them to buy it. All it took was "My Maths teacher hasn't been showing up because she's in *censored* and the first subject is Maths."
They bought it.
Anyway, I wasn't really keen on going to school today. I could've done stuff like write more drama stuff during IP but writing at home would be much better because I need to type it out on the computer.
Guess what? I let my sister read the Romaia and Julian and she said if she were the one choosing the scripts, she wouldn't choose mine.
I was heartbroken.
But then again, her standards are really high and... and... and...
I'm screwed.
So, in case, I'm writing another one. This one's called "Anathema" and I decided to make it a little more on the fantasy side. I also included themes, like:
-What cannot be seen is the thing worth loving for
-You'll forever be caged if you don't spread your wings
Those are like... idioms/advices.
Anyway, I'm hoping my works get chosen, I really want to benefit the Drama team. However, if there's one that's better than mine, please, go ahead and choose it. I don't want my selfishness to lose us the 1st place just because I thought mine was better than everyone else's. But I'm just hoping I don't lose to Daniel, because that would be humiliating.
Please pray to dear God that his isn't better than mine. ^ ^
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Anyway, I have great news. I've finished Romaia and Julian. I finished it in school and I let Danya and Chucky read it. I didn't really ask their opinion, but I'm hoping I managed to impress them.
Then again, they're impressed with whatever I write.
Did I mention I hated my Geo teacher? She's so crazy! When she writes notes on the whiteboard, she uses short-forms.
And I'm not talking about the org for orang kind, you know? I'm talking about "@" for "atau". Wow stupid is that? And she said everyone should be able to know what it meant. I'm like "WHAT?!"
Danya thinks so too. She hates her more than I do because she was scolded for asking about the "@" thing.
Anyway, I managed to find "Love Story" by Taylor Swift. I have to listen to it and play it by today. I think... I want to, though...
^ ^ Tomorrow is Pri's birthday and I was hoping to play it as her birthday present, but I guess I can't stay back tomorrow to play if for her. But I'll just let her know, I can play it. Did you know, when I stayed back on Wednesday for choir, there was a long break in between, so I asked Cleo and Kangaroo to follow me to the Bilik Serbaguna to sing that song while I figured the chords out.
It's not a bad song, really. I'll paste the lyrics here later. I still don't know how the whole song sounds like, though...
Ahh... I've just downloaded it. Mwahaha. Kangaroo, you don't have to send it to me anymore.
Come to think of it, I have a lot of things to do concerning the Computer File. The teacher gave us more work because we didn't bring our files.
I was just searching for stuff involving Drama. I want to make a better one that I heard Daniel (not his real name) will be writing. His was apparently something to do with wizardry and the fantasy world. Tch, he can try as much as he wants, but I want to get the spotlight this year. I tried last year but was foolish enough not to let my sister edit it before I sent it to my President.
This year, it's mine.
Then again, I'm somehow feeling his would get chosen instead of mine, then I would be humiliated because my reputation was on the line.
My reputation is on the line.
I don't care. I'm going to make sure my script gets chosen. I don't care if it's Romaia and Julian, but as long as it's one of my scripts, it's fine. Yes, you got that right, I'm writing more than one script. Just in case. ^ ^
Gotta ciao!
Another post in school...
Yup, I’m in school right now and in ICTL class. Man, the only reason I hate this class is if you don’t bring your Computer File, you get in trouble. Sheesh, is it supposed to be my fault I don’t want to waste time making one? I never made one last year anyway and the teacher didn’t care!
No wait, she couldn’t even care less about what we did in class…
But that’s not my point.
I’m not really sure what my point is, actually. Let’s just put this aside, then. Anyway, did I mention I was going to make a script for my school’s drama competition? Then again, the whole script thing is a competition, but I hope I win.
What is mine about? Simple. It’s a reinvented version of Romeo and Juliet, only I changed the names and the personality of each character. The name of my script is Romaia and Julian. Cool, huh? Maria’s helping me out again and I’m including Danya in all my discussions.
Come to think of it, I haven’t finished it yet. Hey, I started yesterday and I’m already halfway through so it’s progress! :P
I really hope my script gets chosen. I’m keeping my fingers crossed. I told my ELS club President that I would be writing a reinvented version of Romeo and Juliet and she said that it would be awesome. Okay, she didn’t say it would be awesome, she just said, “Awesome…”
Another thing I want to mention is that the other day during English class and the electricity went retarded, Puan A told us “ghost stories” of when she was a child in a boarding school. When she told us the story though, it was more to funny than scary. I’m serious, especially the way Puan A describes everything. It was hi-lar-ious.
After that is what I’ve been meaning to mention, though. The next thing that happened was a ghost story telling marathon including all of us. Chucky, Kangaroo and Shuen and I. Yeah… I wasn’t really listening though…
Oh well, that’s all I wanted to say! Ciao!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday to LOU!!!
Happy birthday to me!!
Oh yeah, I'm turning 14 today and I'm proud of it. Come to think of it, my parents didn't get me a birthday present...
Oh well, never mind anyway. Yesterday, I celebrated my birthday on the 22nd. My original birthday is today, of course, but my parents have to work whereas my sister has an audition today, so I had to have my big birthday dinner yesterday. I ate at STEAMBOAT!!
Yumm, the chicken, lala, crab and the steamboat was fantastic! I hadn't eaten there for a long time and the food was still top notch. Anyways, my teacher got me a fantastic present. There were like 200 ringgit worth of Kinokuniya coupons. She had gotten me those before, but this time it was 50 ringgit more. ^ ^ She also got me a High School Musical Note Book. Despite the fact that it has High School Musical written on every page, I still love that book. Besides, my parents always think she spoils me.
Did I mention she brought me and my family to eat the buffet at Shangri-la for my 13th birthday? WOW!!!
Her boyfriend, I think, came too, of course.
My grandparents gave me RM100 whereas my aunt gave me the same amount. I got the same from both last year but I couldn't possibly demand more, right? My grandparents don't earn much money anymore and giving 100 ringgit to someone like me is not exactly something I would ask more.
I also had a Black Forest Gateau cake my dad bought from the Lavender in the Food Republic in the Pavillion, where we went to get my iPod fixed. Chill, it's okay now, it was just a little hanged.
The cake was great and we were stuffed! Phoo! Oh, and for the people who don't know, I'd just like to say, I would appreciate it if you gave me anime for my birthday present. If any of you get me anything like a pink shirt, I'll burn it.
I wasn't joking.
Here are some requests, then ^ ^:
-Samurai X
-Ranma 1/2
-Full Moon wo Sagashite (Looking for the Full Moon)
-Kamen no Maid Guy
-One Piece ep 110-223 (I think... You can get me the whole series too ^ ^)
I think that's it. You can get Samurai X from anywhere, I think. I don't know where to get Ranma, though. However, I think AnimeTech (Mid Valley) would have. You can try the one in One Utama as well. The rest I've mentioned can be found in the Speedy at the Pavillion. Okay, okay, you got me, I went there yesterday so I would know. ^ ^
Thank you to those who wished me today. For those who haven't, you still have the rest of the day!! I'm only turning 14 once, you know?!!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
I'm so happy!!! I can't wait for Lina to come back! She's all the way in Tassie, but I don't care!!!
Who? Oh you mean Lina? She's my mom's ex-student. She has a huge collection of anime and she's going to give it to us!!! AHHH!!! I'm so happy! I asked her for a lot of stuff, including Asu no Yoichi, Shonen Onmyouji and other stuff that I thought was nice that I saw on the Internet. I can't wait for her return!
The last time she came, she gave me Ouran High School and Lovely Complex. Those two were so nice! I loved them both! The others she had brought were for my sister. You know la... DBSK and Super Junior stuff and reality shows and their dramas.
Of course, I had a fair share with them. ^ ^
That's all! Ciao, little bloggie!!!
Can't wait!!!
I've got like 7 games listed, a few society logos I drew, and a few mottos too. However, the mottos seem a bit cheesy and I don't know if I should voice them out during the meeting.
Oh sod it, I'll just mention them anyway.
Also, today, my school had its Sports Day. Of course, those who know me should probably stake their lives about me not going to it. I mean, come on, Lou and Sports don't match, they are negative and negative. They don't attract. Whereas Lou and Anime are positive and negative, so they make a perfect match.
Okay, I gotta stop doing that. Chucky, congrats on being Captain of the Volleyball team. To tell you the truth, the first time I heard that, I was like "Chucky? Captain? Those words should never be put together. Not even as a joke!"
But I guess since Chucky's so addicted to Volleyball, she might actually make a good capitan!
... Might.
Oh dear, you do not wanna know what I just saw in my head. Curse my good imagination.
*Cheh wa...*
Now, as I'm typing this, I'm wondering if the Sports thing is over. It might, it might not be. Oh well...
Ciao, little bloggie!!!!!
Friday, February 20, 2009
BIrthday Dedication...
Happy Birthday Josh! May all your wishes come true on your 14th birthday!
That's all...
First meeting @ the English SAC!
We were discussing about our new club name (ELS) and what our society logo, motto and other stuff. And now, I shall ask you to please excuse my language again as I repeatedly curse Blackie.
I can bet she wanted to speak to the Vice President about wanting to make me resign from being the AJK Form 2 just because I didn't help with the board. Is that supposed to be my fault?! I didn't even know about it when Blackie and Narein went! Sheesh! Cut me some slack, will ya?! Argh! I look at her and feel like slaughtering the likes of her.
She's a beast.
But whatever I said in there was true. Shuen's sensitive, Kangaroo - financial probs. And the only thing we all wanna do is help her. That's why for my birthday, I ordered her not to buy me anything. Wishing me Happy Birthday is enough anyway, so that's alright with me.
By the way, there was a fight in school today. Not exactly a physical match, but most verbal insults towards each other's parents. Who? Hawo and Yik. They were fighting today in the Science Lab. First, Yik went all "spray water!" at him and he got mad and started spraying water all over him. (At least, from what I saw). Yik's shirt and everything ended up wet and they started swearing at each other, with our Science teacher right in the middle.
"Your dad's a drug addict!"
"Your mom's a whore!"
I shall not mention who said which sentence, but I did not approve of anything they said. The fight was between them, having their parents involved was a stupid thing to do, since they weren't the ones who did anything bad to each other.
Anyway, Hawo sprayed water at Yik again later and Yik, with a book and pencil case inside, whacked the back of Hawo's head and after a while later, it seemed like he lost his memory. He couldn't remember anything and didn't know where it was. But I'm sure he would be fine because his parents should know what to do with him, right? ... Right?
Well, whatever it is, it's not my problem. I'm worried as well, but if Hawo was pretending, I would not like to converse with him. It's a serious case to lie about having amnesia.
Yeah... I'll update more next time!!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Charice Pempengco
If you guys ever have the time, please go to Youtube and check out how she sang. She also sang with DBSK's JunSu and Super Junior's Kyu Hyun. Trust me, she's good. The best part? She's only 12 years old!!!!!!!!
Check it out!!!!
50 Cents?
"I don't want it."
"Take la! I borrowed from you so now I'm returning!"
"I don't want it!"
"Lou, give it to her!"
"Nah, Kang! Take it la!"
"Fine! Oi, Shen, I want 5 pieces of the timetable! Nah, each one take one."
"I already have it! You shouldn't just waste money like that, you know?!"
"What? It's my money what..."
"Money is money! Don't just waste it like that, can or not?!"
"... Eh, what's your problem? It's my money right? So I can spend it however I want."
"You're the WORST friend ever, ok?! The WORST! People give you back the money also cannot! You think I like to take people's money and return it, is it?! You're the WORST friend ever!"
If anyone has a resolution to all this, I'd like to hear it, because right now, all I'm hearing is the sound of people's bad sides, and I don't like it.
Who? Who do you say?
Shuen and Kangaroo, what else? They should just stop fighting. Friends exist in the world to create world peace, not throw insults at each other as if it's like flipping over a pancake!
Alright, here's the story. I can't guarantee the truth 100% because I don't want to get to details. So, cutting the whole long story short, Shuen can't tolerate Kangaroo anymore. She says it's because Kangaroo doesn't respect Shuen. Meaning, Cleo and I both insult Kangaroo a million times but she doesn't really care. Whereas if Shuen were the one playing or teasing her, she gets angry and starts insulting her.
Shuen has never really gotten along with Kangaroo to start out with, and she has never been able to tolerate Kangaroo. Frankly speaking, Cleo's the only who has. Nobody can tolerate Kangaroo's attitude.
Another thing would be about the whole "soul-exchange" thing. Neither Shuen nor I believe that she can do such a thing. At first, we played along, then things got worse when the people from the lower classes started assuming Cleo and Kangaroo were lesbian. Kangaroo has been too obsessed over Cleo, she has got to admit.
Seriously, someone (not Shuen) used to think she had a problem, and thinks she still does. She should just stop pretending to be what she's not and live on!
So why don't you both just quit it? If you can't get along, for God's sake, just stop talking to each other. But Kangaroo, I won't have it if you insult Shuen and call her short-tempered because I cannot stand anyone who bad-mouths any of my friends. And the same goes to Shuen, because whether or not you are in the right or in the wrong, it doesn't give you the right to just go ahead and say what you like to other people.
I'm like that.
Kangaroo, lemme tell you something. You say Shuen is short-tempered, but you don't get it. She's not short-tempered, she's sensitive. Short-tempered is not like if you do something bad, you cry like crap, it's when you start getting angry and throw tantrums. That's not Shuen. Being sensitive is one of Shuen's best qualities because that made her the girl she is now, and I like her that way. That 50 cents you shouldn't have wasted because it's still money that will accumulate to be a dollar, then 10, 100 then 1000. If you waste money like that, you'll end up with none.
Shuen, on the other hand, Kangaroo's just trying to be nice. She's been through a lot with her family and all because of stuff I cannot mention, so we have to be easy on her. Whereas that 50 cent thing, I really don't think you should make the big deal out of it anymore. What's been said has been said and what's been done, has been and passed.
So just get on with your life already! If you don't wanna be friends, don't pull other people into this. If you see each other, look away or walk away, if you're with friends who are both yours, act as if nothing's wrong. I swear on behalf of all the good of friends (cheh-wa! :P), if you both fight one more time in front of me, you're not going to like what I'm going to do to you.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Me (the real one): Don't mind her. She's crazy. Trust me, all the time Kangaroo was in that wheelchair, she kept telling everyone: "SHE JUST GAVE BIRTH!!!" Yeah... Made everyone misunderstand and go "Who's the father? Who's the daddy?" and all that... -_-
Also, Danya went a little crazy as well. We were going back to class at the stairs and she saw some guy leaning over the building and she was like... "OH MY GOD! HE'S COMITTING SUICIDE! DON'T JUMP! YOUR FAMILY STILL LOVES YOU!"
And I couldn't stop laughing. When we reached the next flight, we couldn't see him anymore and Danya was like "OH MY GOD! HE DID IT! HE JUMPED! HE'S DEAD!!!!!!!!"
I still couldn't stop laughing.
And laughing...
... and laughing...
... and laughing.
Cleo: okay we get it you can't stop laughing sheesh! lol sorry heehee hahahahaa. .... hahahaha....
Alright... Yeah... Also, I forget to mention, but Chin farted yesterday. Seriously. In class. And he was JUST INFRONT OF ME!!! It stank... like crap. I thank the Holy Lord I had nose block or I would've lost my sense of smell already... -_-
Blackie's the usual. Still being a bitch. Did I mention Puan Z. called her "Shakhty". Seriously. She was like "Shakhty? Mana Shakhty?"
Everyone was like "Who the hell is Shakhty?"
And suddenly she said "Oh bukan! Nama awak Sudi! Sudimati!"
Chill, that's not her name, but I don't wanna mention names, so... ^ ^ Trust me, her name is shitty-er.
Okay, gotta ciao now. My parents will be coming to pick me up soon and I don't wanna be nagged and nagged and nagged. Yeah... Okay, ciao!!!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Only, why didn't our BM teacher insult her more? I know none of my teachers like her. It should stay that way forever. She thinks everyone worships the shit out of her. Well guess what? It's more of a stupid way of thinking that.
No wait, she is stupid.
Anyway, guess what? When I didn't go to school on Saturday, Chucky ended up hantar-ing the BI books to our teacher's room. Why? WHY?! I don't get it. Is the world against me all of the sudden? All I want is to have a life! Why does people run it for me?
Don't get me wrong, I don't mind Chucky doing my work. She's a dear friend and everything... It's just... Can I do nothing right?
Kangaroo's already getting revenge for me towards that bloody fuggin asshole. She calls her Chu Tau Beng. I don't really care about that anymore, though. You know, the other day at perhimpunan, the teacher gave us a lecture about bullying. They said if they found out you were bullying, they would call our parents.
You know, I want to tell the teachers about that asshole. Make her regret.
We'll see.
"She's so irresponsible! She shouldn't be the AJK!"
You know what, fine. I won't be the AJK. I love the LIDRA club more than any other bastard or bitch ever will and this is the thanks I get. The only time I ever skipped LIDRA last year was because of an emergency!
I'll tell the teacher that I quit being the AJK. Then whoever is the new AJK can have all the bloody work. I do something good, according to the teacher's rule and the school's, but it all backfires and you end up putting me in the wrong.
So you know what? Good Fuggin (copied from Andyy, sorry) luck to the new AJK and let's see if he/she can bloody take up all the responsibility! But one thing's for sure, unless the fugging asshole of a Blackie says sorry, I'm not going to even acknowledge her existence. In the world, or the afterworld.
She's going to be that dead rose I posted yesterday.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Okay, they're not strange la, but people I don't usually chat with. Except Sakura, of course, I chat with her all the time. Two people I chatted with were people I don't normally chat with. First was Seph. I haven't spoken to him since the Concert Dinner.
Second... Dino Kor Kor. He still calls himself that, I think. Well, whatever la. He still loves Jelly as well. Well, that's all, really. But unfortunately, today's Saturday, and I've got theory classes on Saturday. I bet Sean's gonna get it from the teacher again.
Oh well...
Amazingly, I woke up early today. My sister had auditions for the AYO too. I wished her good luck. My brother's big-eyed friend came today as well. He was waiting for someone, if I didn't remember wrong. Oh, and err...
I was doing my theory work when I woke up. After I finished, I drew some stuff. What? Economy's low, I have to get working to earn money, people! Danya reserved one already. It was really nice...
^ ^
I'm going to lend a Vampire's Last Day to Dino Kor Kor. My friends have been buggin' me to write a sequel, but...
Yeah... I'm still working on Rejection, so...
Chucky, Brandy and Danya love that story, by the way... And Coco as well. She wanted to make a comic out of it. I don't mind, really. I love Coco's drawing. I think it's better than mine, because she can make all the actions nice and all... Mine can only be drawing on paper. As in, the portrait kind of thing. But hey, I'm happy with it. It's fun because everyone in my class likes it. I always thought Coco's drawing is more suited to be for cartoons whereas mine is more to anime-kind. Like the ones you see on TV.
Friday, February 13, 2009

A beautiful flower...

... after it met me.
Excuse me...
F*** the SHIT the outta her! She should rot in HELL! Oh she will once I'm done with her! She's going to wish she went to hell before she met ME!
Alright, here's the story, it was after recess when Mentos told me our LIDRA teacher told us to finish our board. I wanted to get the permission from teacher, of course, so I asked our KH teacher, who was teaching us that moment, if we could go and help out with the board, but she said during PMP nobody was allowed to go out.
So fine, I did my best, the teacher said no. But after KH was Science and I noticed that bitch and another indian dude wasn't there. I thought maybe perhaps they went to finish the board.
Then finish school, I was walking towards the canteen with Kangaroo. I saw Hana, my friend from LIDRA and she told me this, "Hey, you know when everyone was finishing the board and stuff? They kept bad-mouthing you and saying you were irresponsible. And Mentos and Narein weren't helping out either."
You think I didn't want to help?! I didn't even KNOW you were all already gone! Besides, when I asked Mentos if I was needed, he said No. So WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?! I CAN'T BE A BLOODY AJK FORM 2 IF YOU DON'T TELL ME WHAT I'M SUPPOSED TO DO!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Well, not exactly the real basketball, it's just the normal shooting thingymabob. I wasn't so bad, really. ^ ^ I could shoot alright, it's just the laziness I had to why I'm not in the basketball team.
So far, that's all I have to report. Ciao, little bloggie!!
Anyway, that woman P.W., she's really getting onto my nerves. She never keeps her mouth shut and always speaks nonsense. She's being such an awful bitch and she doesn't even know it! Well, it's annoying! She keeps thinking she's so the clever, but she's in a lower class than I am! Yeesh! I can understand why Chucks was being mad. She's so stupid!
Also, that day, our BM teacher insulted Black Dot and was like, "Sindu... nak mati?"
Everybody started laughing until their bottoms flew off.
You know I'm exaggerating!
Anyway, during Moral class, someone threw water at Becky and she was like "Tengok dia, cikgu! Dia tumpah air atas saya, cikgu!"
And I'm like "Shut up, cikgu!"
Okay, I didn't do that, but you know me... ^ ^
That was all the day before yesterday!
Friday, February 6, 2009
-Maria, if you're reading this, HAHA!-
Anyway, Chucky told me about her going to break up with Loony. Sheesh, about time! I mean, I don't like him at all. Too overprotective and sensitive. I mean, yeah, you can be overprotective, but not until the extent where I can't pinch my own friend's cheek! I'm serious! When I do, he yells and says "No! She's fragile!"
Fragile my friggin' ass!
Anyway, she actually wanted ME to break up for her! I said "No way! You can't be such a coward and do that!" so she asked some other dude. Though, I don't think he'll do it. Also, Chucky told me he's been confessing to a lot of people. Judging that, I would say he just wants to know the feeling of having a girlfriend. In which case, it would be better for her to break up. I hope he won't be like most guys who get dumped and run after her, with a knife.
Apart from that, I can't say anything nice happened. Nope. Nada.
In that case, let's update about today!
I'll Never Get Over You Getting Over Me - Bellefire
Having a good time with all your time friends
I don't think that you think of me
You're on your own now
And I'm alone and free
I know that I should get on with my life
But a life without you could never be right
As long as the stars shine down
From the heavens
Long as the rivers run to the sea
I'll never get over you getting over me
I try to smile so the hurt won't show
Tell everybody I was glad to see you go
But the tears just won't go away
Loneliness found me, looks like it's here to stay
I know that I ought to find someone new
But all I find is myself always thinking of you
And as long as the stars shine down
From the heavens
Long as the rivers run to the sea
I'll never get over you getting over me
No matter what I do
Each night's a lifetime to live through
I can't go on like this
I need your touch
You're the only one I'll ever love
As long as the stars shine down
From the heaves
Long as the rivers run to the sea
I'll never get over you getting over me
I'll never get over you getting over me
Never get over you getting over
I'll never get over you getting over me
A Little Too Not Over You - David Archuleta
It never crossed my mind at all.
It's what I tell myself.
What we had has come and gone.
You're better off with someone else.
It's for the best, I know it is.
But I see you.
Sometimes I try to hide
What I feel inside,
And I turn around.
You're with him now.
I just can't figure it out.
Tell me why it's so hard to forget.
Don't remind me, I'm not over it.
Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth.
I'm just a little too not over you.
Not over you....
Memories, supposed to fade.
What's wrong with my heart?
Shake it off, let it go.
Didn't think it'd be this hard.
Should be strong, movin' on.
But I see you.
Sometimes I try to hide
What I feel inside.
And I turn around,
You're with him now.
I just can't figure it out.
Tell me why it's so hard to forget.
Don't remind me, I'm not over it.
Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth.
I'm just a little too not over you.
Maybe I regret everything I said,
No way to take it all back, yeah...
Now I'm on my own..
How I let you go, I'll never understand.
I'll never understand, yeah, oohh..
Oohhh, oohhh, oohhhh..
Oohhh, ooohhhh, oohhh.
Tell me why it's so hard to forget.
Don't remind me, I'm not over it.
Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth.
I'm just a little too not over you.
Tell me why it's so hard to forget.
Don't remind me, I'm not over it.
Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth.
And I really don't know what to do.
I'm just a little too not over you.
Not over you, oohhh..
Us Against The World - Westlife
Against the world
Us against the world
Against the world
You and I, we’ve been at it so long
I still got the strongest fire
You and I, we still know how to talk
Know how to walk that wire
Sometimes I feel like
The world is against me
The sound of your voice, baby
That's what saves me
When we're together I feel so invincible
Cause it's us against the world
Me and you against them all
If you listen to these words
Know that we are standing tall
I don't ever see the day that
I won't catch you when you fall
Cause it's us against the world tonight
Us against the world
Against the world
There’ll be days
We’ll be on different sides but
That doesn’t last too long
We find ways to get it on track
And know how to turn back on
Sometimes I feel
I can’t keep it together
Then you hold me close
And you make it better
When I’m with you
I can feel so unbreakable
Cause it's us against the world
Me and you against them all
If you listen to these words
Know that we are standing tall
I don't ever see the day that
I won't catch you when you fall
Cause it's us against the world tonight
We’re not gonna break
Cause we both still believe
We know what we’ve got
And we’ve got what we need alright
We’re doing something right
Cause it's us against the world
Me and you against them all
If you listen to these words
Know that we are standing tall
I don't ever see the day that
I won't catch you when you fall
Cause it's us against the world tonight
Us against the world
Me and you against them all
If you listen to these words
Know that we are standing tall
I don't ever see the day that
I won't catch you when you fall
Us against the world
Yeah it’s Us against the world, baby
Us against the world
Us against the world
Against the world
Us against the world
Thursday, February 5, 2009
But I'm gonna try anyway
Deep down inside my heart just can't wait
Finding the words to say
One can only do so much
To write this song and sing till dusk
My only hope now is that you'll acknowledge
This apology, this endless pledge
To you...
My best friend...
To you...
Till the end...
I cried myself to sleep
That day when he told me
You broke up cause of that and then when we met
I couldn't bring myself to see
I can only do so much
To talk to you and make a big fuss
My desire now is that you'll come back
To my open arms, till we cry and clap
For you,
My best friend,
For you,
Till the end...
~This song was made by me for the story Au Courant Fallacy, the script I was submitting to the Drama Competition by experience of two friends who were fighting~
Special A
If you're an anime lover, this anime is the anime for you! I just love this anime! I wanted to convert the whole thing into my iPod but unfortunately, it's only 7 gigs. This show is about a school which has this special class where only the top 7 can go in. They practically do nothing except have tea breaks and food and whatever.
Now, Hanazono Hikari is a girl whom Takashima Kei loves. Unfortunately, that girl is too dense to know that. So this Special A is technically a show where Kei tries his hardest to get Hikari.
This anime overall has a very interesting plot. The actions like physical fighting is somehow exaggerated, but it's a good series all the same. I liked it very much :) The CD ain't with me at the moment, though. I'm having a tough time remembering which friend I lent it to as well -_-
Well, if you have the chance, watch this show, 'kay? :)
Hikari *Goto Yuko*
- Nanami (Lamune)
- Christina (Itazura na Kiss)
- Elika (Astarotte no Omocha)
Kei *Fukuyama Jun*
- Riku (Onmyou Taisenki)
- Anon (Law of Ueki)
- Zelman (Black Blood Brothers)
- Ayase (Okane Ga Nai)
- Tokidoki (Amatsuki)
P/S: Please click on my Nuffnang ads :) Thanks!!
Spice and Wolf
The only ever annoying part is they nearly kissed at one point but didn't.
So bloody frustrating.
Anyway, it was still hilarious. It is a must. Holo is so smart and everything and Lawrence is just... hilarious. However, I hate Chloe, that girl that Lawrence knew. She's so bloody annoying. She even wanted to kill Lawrence.
Fish her la.
But you must watch it. Hilarious and classic. A definite must.

Shikabane Hime

The boy is not bad. His brother dies in the end and the girl is actually in love with the brother. Technically, Shikabane Hime means Corpse Princess. It's about a girl who is a corpse that made a contract with a priest to track down and kill other corpses. There are more than one Shikabane Hime, some that are even enrolled in the boy's school. So they have to help each other kill the thingymabobs.
I wouldn't have bought it, though. My sister wanted it, so I bought it. But I guess it wasn't that bad. Others would've been better.
That's all!
P/S: Please click on my Nuffnang ads :) Thanks!!
P/S/S: Quite unfortunately, the two leading leads do not have other important leads -_-
Akane-iro Ni Somaru Saka
Okay, so it wasn't exactly his sister, but they didn't know that! They fell in love as siblings! That's totally incest, woman! They should ban that show! I wanted that dude to end up with Yuuhi! Why the hell did he choose Minato?! I hate her as well! She's too perfect and goody-goody two shoes! I hate people like that and I hate her! The guy is so god dang gorgeous! Why Minato? Why his own sister?!
Conclusion: DON'T BUY THAT SHOW!

But Chinese New Year was alright. I got a lotta ang pao from everyone *unfortunately, I don't get to keep 'em* and a good advice from one of my aunties. They all wanted me to slim down because they said if I had a nice body shape, I would look extraordinarily pretty.
-_- I mean, yes, I want to lose weight, I'm tired of everybody calling me fatty and all that, but...
Never mind, skipping that...
Anyway, nothing really exciting happened on Chinese New Year. But on the 3rd day, our supposedly "Bambi" was supposed to come. It did, of course, and it was a real darling. However, the minute we resumed the game of Scrabble...
"What the HELL was THAT?!" everyone exclaims.
Well whaddaya know? It's Bambi. So, we had to give her back that day itself. -_- I'll post pictures up next time. Anyway, we've been playing tons of Scrabble that Chinese New Year. Scrabble is so UN-Chinese New Year-y but yeah...
A few days after that, I think the Friday of the Chinese New Year Week, Darr and Tin came to our house. We had dinner at Jun Kee and then proceeded to their house. The usual started happening, my brother and them playing the PS2 on their big screen. Me? I was in the room, of course, ransacking their CD collection of anime. :P They don't have much. Just One Piece, Bleach, Naruto and Law of Ueki. I decided to lend One Piece and Law of Ueki as I'd never seen them before.
Then, I got tired of watching them just play some stupid shooting game so I asked them if there were any nice comedies to watch.
"Yeah. Resident Evil."
I glared at Darr. Tch, even I knew Resident Evil was a zombie show. Yeah, comedy. But we watched it anyway and I have to say, I hate Leon because he didn't end up with the girl I wanted him to end up with. Why the hell did he have to choose that stupid cop anyway? She's stupid!
Never mind.
Then, we went back home at like... 3 something in the morning.
And that's all for now! Toodles!